A redout occurs when the body experiences a negative g-force sufficient to cause a blood flow from the lower parts of the body to the head. It is the inverse effect of a greyout or brownout, where blood flows away from the head to the lower parts of the body. Redouts are potentially dangerous and can cause retinal damage and hemorrhagic stroke.

A blog

Some kind of pressure release valve? A place for unadulterated fun? I don’t know. It is certainly redundant and therefore narcissistic in nature. I am not ambitious, I have no big dreams. I don’t have any strong opinions. I have no believe in anything, I have no god and I follow no leaders. And least of all I’m an idealist. I’ll fight for my personal interests, but everything else I just observe.” – Joah

Written on October 20th, 2011 by Joah


I'm only human

