I’m not a fan of anything. But if I had to name one band that has always kept pleasing my senses, that would be the Beastie Boys. The last album they made before Adam Yauch died of cancer was announced with this fantastic tribute to their first hit Fight for your right. Please note: 23″23′, these are the real real B-Boys. Enjoy!

Leave A Comment, Written on November 17th, 2013 by Joah, Ears

Just an uptempo song for you to take a break with. Pull your ass out of that chair and dance!

Leave A Comment, Written on November 16th, 2013 by Joah, Ears

“Where power goes, governance must follow.”

Power is up-scaling from the national to the global stage. This poses new threats, but also opportunities. Mister Ashdown makes a case for doing this with the least amount of bloodshed.

Written on November 16th, 2013 by Joah, Brain

I visited a friend in Barcelona. I took the subway from the airport straight to his kitchen. I sat down, did not move for 48 hours and then travelled back to the airport. I had a lot of fun smoking his stash in the meantime. Nice city, Barcelona.


Written on November 29th, 2012 by Joah, Eyes


I'm only human

